Last Updated: Dec 26, 2023     Views: 29

UMBrella searches both our physical collection and the e-resources we have access to and presents the results using their own ranking algorithms. UMBrella automatically sorts results based on relevance, but you can change it to be sorted by date of publication, etc.

Here is a glimpse of how UMBrella ranks results:


  • For author and/or title searches, the original books are ranked higher than material about the book.
  • When searching for author names, the material written by the author is ranked higher than the material about the author.
  • Ranked higher if keywords are found in author, title or subject fields (Exact Title match is set to be weighted the most heavily)
  • Ranking also factors in how often the search terms occur in the record

Academic significance

  • Published in a peer reviewed journal
  • Number of times cited
  • Material type (i.e. journal article vs. newspaper article)

Publication date

  • More recently published materials show up higher in the results list