Last Updated: Jun 25, 2024     Views: 15457

Navigate to Advanced Search in Google Scholar by clicking on the three lines on the top left of the page and clicking on "Advanced Search" in the pop-out menu.

Try using the following Advanced Search options to search Google Scholar more effectively:

  • where my words occur: Tell Google Scholar to search for your keywords in one of two places by selecting either "anywhere in the article" or "in the title of the article” (e.g., search nursing licensure and choose “in the title of the article”)
  • Search by Author: Type in the name of the author in the Advanced Search box titledReturn articles authored by” following either format: first initial and last name, with quotation marks around the first initial and last name OR the author's full name, with quotation marks around it (e.g., author:"WVO Quine" or author:"Willard Van Orman Quine")
  • Search by Journal: Type in the name of the journal that published articles you want to find in the Advanced Search box titled "Return articles published in" (e.g., “Nursing Education Perspectives”)
  • Search by Date: Type in a date range or year in the Advanced Search box titled "Return articles dated between" (e.g., the journal Nursing Forum publications for only the year 2010)
  • Search for a Title: When searching for a particular book or article, place quotation marks around its title"Perceived Benefits, Motivators, and Barriers to Advancing Nurse Education: Removing Barriers to Improve Success"

You can also use the following features, found on the left sidebar of your list of results, to limit and/or refine your search results:

  • Click on Since [Year] to see only recently published papers sorted by relevance: for example, click on Since 2015 for results including articles published from 2015-2016 (e.g., a search for articles using the keywords obesity diet children, published Since 2015)
  • Sort by date: Click on this to present your search results in reverse chronological order, rather than by relevance (e.g., our previous search for obesity diet children, this time sorted by publication date)
  • Email Alert: Create an email alert for new articles by clicking on the envelope icon