Answer Last Updated: Jan 28, 2025 Views: 4164
The first place to look is Proquest Dissertations & Theses Global, which contains over a million full text dissertations from around the world.
If you do not find the dissertation through ProQuest, then for ...
UMass Boston theses are listed in UMBrella and are available on the 5th floor of the library. Search UMBrella by author, title of thesis, or by typing into the search box exactly this: University of Massachusetts at Boston Theses.
non-UMass Boston theses & dissertations
Typically, masters' theses and PhD dissertations can be found at the college/university library where the graduate student (author) received their degree.
- If the thesis/dissertation is affiliated with one of the BLC libraries, search UMass Boston WorldCat. In most cases you can request a copy through WorldCat's built-in Healey Library interlibrary loan feature.
- If the thesis/dissertation is not affiliated with one of the BLC Libraries, Interlibrary Loan (ILL) is your best bet. When requesting one, use the New Request - Loan function.
- Occasionally requesting a thesis/dissertation via ILL is unsuccessful because it is against policy of the lending library to loan their theses/ dissertations. If that's the case, it may be possible to purchase a copy through ProQuest's Dissertation Express.
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