Answer Last Updated: Mar 18, 2025 Views: 151
Click *HERE* to make a reservation
What is the One Button Studio?
The One Button Studio is in a WhisperQuiet room on the 4th floor. With the press of one button, you are all set to record video presentations or similar content. Bring a flash drive to save your video and unleash your creativity!
- No Food or Drink allowed in the One Button Studio.
- The white button that turns on the lights and computer is on your left just as you enter the door, about 3-4 feet up from the floor.
- Patrons must remove all personal belongings, materials and trash from booth at the end of their reservation.
- One Button Studio space and equipment is owned by the University of Massachusetts Boston. Damage or misuse of space may result in restrictions on future use/reservations.
- These are new spaces as of Spring 2025 and policies and limits are subject to change as we assess patron needs.
How do I use the One Button Studio equipment?
The following guidance is included in the confirmation email that you will receive after booking the One Button Studio (OBS).
- UMB One Button Studio Tutorials on Youtube
- PDF: Simplified Instructions for equipment
- PDF: Comprehensive Instructions for equipment
- The white button that turns on the lights and computer is on your left just as you enter the door, about 3-4 feet up from the floor.
- Remember to bring a Flash Drive (USB-C or USB-A) (Formatted in ExFAT (Windows Directions , Mac Directions))
- Avoid green clothing or patterns/text which contain shades of green (the color range from yellow-green through aqua blue).
- If using the Lightboard use the Black background, if using a virtual background or Powerpoint background use the Green Background
- PowerPoint slides - should be formatted in 16x9 aspect ratio.
- If you would like to Edit using free external Software- Microsoft offers ClipChamp and Mac offers iMovie.
- We recommend using Echo360 or YouTube to host videos- if you need an Echo360 account please email please login to using your email .
- Directions for uploading to Echo360. You can also edit on the cloud using Echo360. You can also share the Echo360 videos publicly.
- No Food or Drink allowed in the One Button Studio.
How do I reserve the One Button Studio?
The One Button Studio (OBS) can be reserved online by current UMB community online at (bookings restricted to UMB email address). There is also a QR code posted on the outside of the OBS to the bookings page. Individuals can make reservations for as little as 30 minutes and up to 3 hours per day.
- Patrons need to check out the key for the OBS from the 2nd floor Circulation Desk. They must return the key to the Circ Desk after they finish with the space. Photo ID required to borrow OBS key. The door will lock automatically behind you. If you accidentally lock yourself out during your booking, please ask for assistance at the 2nd floor Circulation Desk or call 617-287-5900.
If you encounter an issue making a booking, please contact, visit the 2nd floor Circulation Desk, or call Circulation at 617-287-5900
Visual Instructions for booking the One Button Studio
1. Go to
- If booking for a future date, click on "Go to date" and select desired date
- If booking for same day, select start time from booking grid
2. Click on the time/date to adjust the end time. Click on blue "Submit Times" button to go to next step.
- Default booking time is 1 hour
- Maximum booking time is 3 hours
3. Click on blue "Continue" button to go to next step.
4. Enter your First Name, Last Name and UMB email address in the three text fields. Then click the blue "Submit my Booking" button
- You MUST use your UMB email address. Otherwise you will receive an error message when you try to submit the booking request.
5. Congratulations! You have completed making your booking.
6. Below is a sample of the confirmation email that you will receive.
- When you arrive for your reservation time, go to the 2nd floor Circulation Desk and ask to check out the One Button Studio key
- You can cancel your booking using the link in the email
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