Last Updated: Jun 24, 2022     Views: 2815

To save articles in CINAHL, follow these steps:

  1. From the Healey Library homepage click on Databases
  2. Then select “C” and CINAHL from the A-Z list
  3. If you are off campus, you will be prompted to enter your last name and password
  4. Sign in to your My EBSCOhost account.
  5. Run a search and view your search results
  6. From the results list page, click on the yellow folder located to the right of the article title to save articles in an EBSCO folder. 
  7. If you have custom folders created within your My EBSCOhost folder, you can specify which folder you would like your articles saved in, when you click the Folder icon.

To save searches:

  1. Run a search and view your search results 
  2. Click the Search History link, then click the Save Searches/Alerts link. The Saved Search/Alerts Screen appears. If you have not signed in to My EBSCOhost, you will be prompted to do so.
  3. Enter a Name and Description for the search.
  4. In the Save Search As field, select one of the following: Saved Search (Permanent), Saved Search (Temporary 24 hours), or Alert
  5. To save the search, click Save