Last Updated: Jun 24, 2022     Views: 387

There are three places to search for ebooks

1. UMBrella is one of the best places to search for ebooks. You can search for ebooks by title, author, subject or keyword.

Start your searches for only ebooks by choosing from a selection of filters including Availability, Material Type and Publication Date.

Availability - Limit to Full Text Online - Limits to items that are accessible online

Material Type - Limit to Books

Publication Date - Useful in finding ebooks in specific date ranges

Your searches will include the active filters. Choose Reset filters to start a new search.


2.Search the library ebook collections individually. The largest ebook collection is Ebook Central and it covers many subjects.

3.Find ebooks through WorldCat but you must limit your search to UMass Boston. Here are the steps to access eBooks from WorldCat@UMass-Boston.

NOTE: You cannot access or borrow ebooks from other libraries.

Search for your topic or book then select eBook under Books on the left side of the screen. 

Once you find the eBook title you're looking for, just click on the View eBook link which will take you directly to the book. 

If you are off campus, you will be prompted to enter your campus user name and password.