Last Updated: Jun 21, 2022     Views: 2368

There are a number of places and ways to search for case studies depending on your field of research. Some general tips are to:

  • check the advanced search page for an option to limit your search by document type or methodology,
    • Example search: "human resources case studies"
  • search case studies or case study in the subject, descriptor or title field,
  • add ("case studies" OR "case study") to any search including the parenthesis and quotation marks.

Here are a few databases which contain case studies.



  • Business Source Complete contains the Document Type case study and the subject term, case studies. 
  • You can search for Harvard Business School Case Studies but they are only available for a fee through Harvard.
  • The Case Centre is a comprehensive list of business case studies from business schools spanning the globe. The Case Centre is an independent, not-for-profit organisation dedicated to promoting the case method in business education and sharing our world-leading knowledge and expertise in case teaching, writing and learning.



  • CINAHL contains two ways to search for case studies. You can search for case studies as a subject heading or limit your results to case study on the advanced search page under publication type
  • In PubMed you can add Case Reports (Article Type or Publication Type) to your search.
  • Cochrane Collection Plus search for (case reports OR case studies).



I hope this is helpful. Please let me know if did not cover your field of interest or if you have any questions.