Last Updated: Jul 17, 2023     Views: 259

There are several databases which allow you to follow citations. You can do this in our Library UMBrella search by paying attention to the upwards and downwards pointing red arrows next to most (but not all) scholarly articles. The upwards pointing arrows will take you to a linked list of articles that have used the article you're viewing in their citations or reference list, where as the downwards pointing red arrows will take you to a linked list of the citations for the article you're viewing. 

Web of Science is an excellent database for tracking citations backwards and forwards (who is citing an article, and who that article is citing). Google Scholar is also very useful. 

Web of Science 

  1. Search for the original article
  2. Open the article page
  3. Click on Cited References underneath Citation Network (on the right side of your screen)

Google Scholar

  1. Search for the original article
  2. Click on Cited By link under the article description

Other databases

  • Annual Reviews (click on Full Text HTML for a list of references with links)
  • ProQuest Central (some articles have linked reference lists and linked "times cited")
  • JSTOR (some articles have links to references and "items citing this item")